Second picture is of a fire twirler behind the Pompidou center...who I made friends with. Here's how it went down...
My English friend Carly calls me around dinner time and says "Hey I'm broke so I'm going to do a fire show. I need to go to a supermarket and buy some lighter fluid. Want to come?"
I would think this a strange idea, but coming from Carly it seemed normal. It would be like if Allie said "hey let's go hang out with homeless people and prophesize."
And considering the fact that I had nothing ELSE to do on a Friday night in Paris I said "sure let's do it."
Unfortunately we never found the lighter fluid. But we still had a fire show. Because our new friend pictured below had lighter fluid. And beer. Me and the Gothic French and Italian kids actually had a ball. We made no money. The night ended with an after-party at my good friend Louis' apartment in the Marais.
So I don't know if I should be more concerned about you playing with lighter fluid, you befriending the guy with the green mohawk, the sheep with a bandana, or the French obsession with everything sex related.
The other day I was telling François that you don't call as much now as you did when I was in India. "Well
she must be glad you're in France now and not India. It's less dangerous," he said.
Laughing I responded, "that all depends on what you consider dangerous."
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