
कलि लाल है.

Stephanie and I had a Sunday Funday at Ajit Bhawan (a pretty nice Westernized hotel with a swimming pool.) In this lovely photo I'm wearing Stephanie's "swimsuit" and our waiter's turban. Sundays are the only days we have free; therefore, we have been making the most of them...

Oh, and this would be the day that I received lovely 3rd degree burns that are currently scabs on my chest. It was funny at the time to say "Kali lal hai," meaning, Kali is red. A few hours later when I couldn't move my legs and I was crying with a bottle of aloe lotion...it wasn't funny anymore. Lesson learned. For real this time.


pam said...

turbin and bikini work well together!

Molly McNutt said...

Pleeease make this your profile picture on facebook.

Kali said...

Because this is such a flattering picture.